CHS - “Finding Jesse: a Fugitive from Slavery in VT”

Past event
Oct 14, 2020, 7 to 8 PM

October 14th CHS Program in ON

The historical society has not held a public meeting since March, when we highlighted the 55+ Club. The pandemic made holding public meetings difficult, if not impossible. Although COVID-19 is still with us, the threat has receded enough that we have decided to hold our October meeting as "usual." Masks will be required and appropriate social distancing will be enforced. Because of constraints on our space, the number of attendees will be limited to 14 - so if you would like to hear the program, please come early. We apologize in advance to anyone we have to turn away.

Now, the Program:

"Finding Jesse: A Fugitive from Slavery in Vermont"

traces Jesse's life from enslavement in North Carolina to freedom in Vermont. His story is told through letters in the collection at Rokeby Museum and documents at the North Carolina State Archives. The illustrated talk brings the narrative of one slave out of anonymity and explores his life and pursuit of freedom.

The program is presented by Jane Williamson, Director Emerita of the Rokeby Museum.

Cambridge Historical Society, 49 School St, Jeffersonville, VT 05464

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