Please consider joining the board of the Mount Ascutney School District (MASD) this Wednesday as we follow up on a number of threads.
Discussion items on this month's agenda include:
A. New Board Member Appointment
B. Vote on New Treasurer
C. Student Representation on the Board
D. Budget Process FY22
E. Transportation Follow-Up
F. SRO Memorandum of Agreement
G. BLM and Symbols Used to Create Safe Space
H. COVID Updates
I. After School Programs
J. VTVLC/High School; Distance Learning Grades K-12 K. Trauma-Transformed Champions Update
When: Wednesday, October 14th, 2020, starting at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Virtually (by recommendation of the Agency of Education and the Vermont School Boards Association).
Join with Google Meet
Join by Phone
(US) +1 770-907-4404 PIN: 822 334 196#