Our Community Cares Camp Annual Meeting

Past event
Oct 28, 2020, 7:30 to 9 PM

Hello friends and neighbors!

I am very happy to invite you all to Our Community Cares Camp's (OCCC) Annual Meeting on Wed, Oct 28 at 7:30 pm. At the meeting the OCCC Board and Executive Director, Susanne Parent, will review our successful camp year in 2020 and our plans for 2021.

OCCC has a mission to create a caring, nourishing community for children in this district where every child can find success. A significant part of the program is addressing food insecurity for children and youth in the summer, however this year was quite different due to COVID-19.

Despite the global pandemic, OCCC was able to offer both an in-person camp and a virtual option for youth in the MMUU School District this past summer. For safety reasons we had 55 campers (in 2019 we had just over 120 campers). Of the 55 this year, 11 were from Huntington, the rest were from the other four towns in the school district. If you want to know more, join us on October 28th. We will have time to hear from you, offer more details on our work, and elect new board leadership.

Feel free to just show up, no need to RSVP. If you would like to know more before the meeting you are welcome to reach out to me and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Zoom link: https://uvmcom.zoom.us/j/93759104590?from=msft

Kyle Silliman-Smith
OCCC Board President Elect
(also daughter of Guthrie, mom of Micah and Ezra, and sister of Erin, Tiffany, Natalia, Noble, and Alek)

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