Over 50 Chances to Win!
There are just 2 weeks until Mayo Healthcare's Online Basket Raffle drawing. With over 50 prizes you have an excellent chance of winning and you are guaranteed to have some fun. Some prize highlights include: a gourmet lobster dinner for 2, Scottish shortbread from a generational Scottish family recipe, artisan creations from Arts, Etc., massage, ski tickets, restaurant certificates, maple syrup, and more. Check it out at www.MayoHealthcare.OurRaffle.org or link in from our Events page at www.Mayohc.org. Happy Raffling!
Mayo Healthcare remains a locally owned non-profit senior care community providing compassionate, award-winning care to central Vermont families. Our largest annual fundraiser, the Taste of Maple was canceled this year so we have brought it online. All proceeds from the online basket raffle will go towards the safety and well-being of residents. Thank you for your support.
For information call:
Kathi Tynan, Community Outreach Coordinator