A Gnome's Eye View: the Tiny Side of the Forest

Past event
Oct 13, 2020, 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Get down on the forest floor (just outside the Birds of Vermont Museum) and imagine the world from the height of a gnome, a mouse, or a junco. Explore sounds, scents, and colors up close and tiny. Make a wee home for something! Are your neighbors beetles, spiders, shrews?

We’ll have hand lenses, sketchpaper, pencils if you don’t. We’ll explore our small spaces with 6′ separations, and will wear masks and make ways to share our discoveries safely.

Great for anyone feeling creative, flexible, curious.
About 1 hour

Max: 5 people • Masks: please bring them and wear them if within 6′ of each other.
Meet at the Museum’s front door, by the wingspan banner.

$5 (free for Museum members)
MUST pre-register. Call 802-434-2167 / email museum@birdsofvermont.org

Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road
Huntington, VT 05462
(802) 434-2167 • museum@birdsofvermont.org

The Museum is open from 10 am - 4pm, Wednesdays - Sundays, through October and weekends in November

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