Why is there so little attention paid to this life-saving legislation? What can we do to raise its visibility?
Vermont Physicians for a National Health Program encourages all of us to become familiar with HR 6906/S 3790, the legislation proposed for helping Americans get the healthcare they need with no out-of-pocket costs until we have a widely available, safe, and effective vaccine. That's right. Other bills promise to pay for the coronavirus test, but maybe not even for the person to swab your nose. The amendment to the HEROES act, which spends our taxes on COBRA for the unemployed, is a horrible give-away to insurance companies, paying for the very expensive plan but then the unemployed person still has to pay a deductible so can't afford to get their care anyway. But HR 6906/S3790 actually directs taxpayer dollars to HEALTH CARE rather than health insurance, and ensures all hospitals, including rural hospitals and "safety-net hospitals," get paid for the care they provide, regardless of their patients' finances.
Find out more about this bill, and about how you can help raise its visibility through town resolutions, letters to the editor, emails to friends in other states, and more, at this Zoom meeting Thursday, October 8, at 7:30 PM.
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Looking forward to seeing you "there."
Betty Keller, MD, President,
Vermont Physicians for a National Health Program (VT PNHP)
PNHP is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)3 educational and advocacy organization committed to achieving health care for all in the United States. Because health care can't follow free market principles, we believe it should be provided through equitable taxes as a public good, like our schools, roads, national parks, national security, and other services we all need that don't follow free market principles - especially in the emergency of a pandemic.