Oct. 2 CIDER Annual Membership Meeting on Zoom!

Past event
Oct 2, 2020, 4 to 5:30 PM

Hello Island Friends!

Every autumn we meet to elect new members of the Board of Directors and recognize those members leaving the board, set the annual Membership Dues, and other organizational housekeeping matters. All are welcome to attend; you do not need to be a Member to participate in any CIDER activities or receive any CIDER services; however, you do need to be a CIDER member to vote.

This year we will meet through the use of Zoom teleconferencing rather than the traditional meal and face-to-face gathering, to err on the side of caution during these social distancing times. The meeting link and materials (some attached now) will be available tomorrow on our website https://cidervt.org , by going directly to Zoom via the following link or by calling via phone as follows:

Join Zoom Meeting

OR call in by phone to:
Meeting ID: 838 2552 8998
Passcode: 710437

CIDER Annual Meeting of the Membership
Friday, October 2nd 4:00-5:30pm via Zoom


Welcome: Judy Steacy
Executive Director's Report: Robin Way
Approval of the Minutes of the September 28th, 2019 Annual Membership Meeting

Recognition of Departing Board Members
Doug DiSabito, Frank Driscoll, Diane Hauser, Andrew Julow, Chris Kasprisin, Judy Steacy

Nomination and election of Board Members (Class of 2023)
Connie Boutin (Alburgh), Barb Capen (Grand Isle), Ethelyn Dubuque (South Hero), Ben Joseph (North Hero), Missy Shea (Grand Isle), Tom Speyer (Grand Isle), Mark Cobb (Grand Isle - re-election to a 2nd term), Evan Hill (Isle La Motte - re-election to a 2nd term), Jim Hoag (South Hero - re-election to a 2nd term)

Membership Vote on Annual Dues
Other Business from the Floor

Our 2019-2020 Annual Report with pictures will be available (hard copy) at the CIDER office or on our website on October 31st.

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