(Dance) Composition for Teens with Hanna Satterlee

Past event
Oct 7, 2020, 4 to 5 PM

Vermont Dance Alliance, in partnership with the Pride Center of Vermont, presents: Composition for Teens with Hanna Satterlee

Join dancer and choreographer Hanna Satterlee in becoming insatiably curious: about your body and the physical potential of your creativity. Come enjoy a collective group experience of guided improvisation, interdisciplinary movement scores, and playful composition prompts. We will develop a relationship to the camera, to each other and to our own unique artistry. Please bring a journal and pen!

For: Teens! Grades 9-12
Wednesdays October 7, 14, 21.
4-5pm EST
Open level and drop in friendly. No experience required.
Hanna Satterlee creates performance experiences and conceptual artworks through dance. As a choreographer of works for stage, site and film, Hanna explores the concept of landscape in a nostalgic way, establishing a link between the landscape's reality and that imagined by its conceiver. After ten years of international travel and dance exploration, in May 2017 Hanna founded the Vermont Dance Alliance (vermontdance.org)! Hanna now serves as the Executive Director, both managing a statewide network of dance artists, partners and patrons, as well as producing and curating high-quality dance events and opportunities for the public. Hanna holds degrees and certifications in dance therapy, psychology, performance, choreography, vinyassa/yin/restorative yoga, non-profit management and arts integration. Hanna shares these passions as an intergenerational educator, interdisciplinary performer and collaborator, experimental curator and event producer. Hanna is as passionate for the form of dance as she is in connecting people to it.
How to Register: Click on https://forms.gle/f8fqFBdn67LMcdB36 to register for this class, or any class in our fall Resilient Dancing Series! If you need assistance filling out the form, please call 410-458-3672.

Payment: VDA member and Non-VDA member pricing is listed in the registration form. To make your payment please visit vermontdance.org/support, or use our paypal address info@vermontdance.org with friends/family option.

If you are planning to call in as a group, with two or more people sharing one screen, email us to set up a scaled payment to fit your specific needs.

If money is a barrier for you, please email a scholarship request letter detailing your interest, class dates, and amount of support needed. info@vermontdance.org

If you need special accommodations, please note VDA will need at least two weeks notice before the class start date. We will do our best to accommodate all needs.

We look forward to dancing with you!

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