Fabulous Fall Foliage Festival Fiesta's

Past event
Oct 4, 2020

Don't forget to pick up your Fall Foliage Festival Flier at the MCCS or Adamant Coop! You can also view and download/print a copy at maplecornercc.org/fff. Please note, a few events require pre-registration! Sign up today for the Pop-up Variety Show 4-6 p.m. on Sunday, 10/4, at the Blue Barn gazebo. BYO picnic/chairs/blanket and be ready to perform or just watch the talent in our community as they sing, dance, play an instrument, read poetry or prose. Anything goes, that can happen under gazebo! Sign up when reserving or sign up when you arrive. Reservation required, max. 30 people with masks when mingling!

Email maplecornercc@gmail.com to make your reservation.

MANY other Covid safe fun events happening this weekend, grab a flier and check them all out!

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