Irasburg Selectboard Meeting
Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 @ 5:30pm
To participate contact 754-2242 to make arrangements or email
o 5:30pm. Call Meeting to order
o 5:32pm. Additions or deletions to the agenda
o 5:35pm. Review and approve minutes of the September 16th, 2020 meeting.
o 5:40pm. Public comment
o 5:45pm. Orleans Ambulance Representatives- Contract term change
o 6:00pm. Road Updates
o 6:15pm. Phil White's request for Fly to Pie Event
o 6:25pm. Discuss possible avenues to help manage speed around Town
o 6:35pm. Review and approve order #20 bills and payroll
o 6:40pm. Review 2021 VLCT renewal packet
o 6:50pm. Correspondence: VEC easement, Sheriff's report
o 7:00pm. Possible executive session pursuant to 1VSA §313 (2) the negotiating or securing of real estate purchase or lease options.
o 7:10pm. Adjourn