SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4th 1-4pm 2020
Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce brings you our annual "Make Your Own Leaf Person" event as part of this great expanded Harvest Festival!
Visitors and townspeople, old and young, enjoy making "Harvest People" (a/k/a stick figures, scarecrows, leaf people...). At HarvestFest, we supply all materials, accessories, and instruction on how to make your very own "Harvest Person." This event is a great way for people to be creative and let imaginations run wild. Event-goers choose clothes, a hat, shoes, and embellishments to personalize their own "Person." Or bring your own clothes and have a personalized one that looks just like your Uncle Ed! We always are in need of shoes, hats and accessories, so bring 'em if you got 'em! Volunteers help with the finishing touches.
Each "Harvest Person" is only $5.00.
Covid restrictions have reduced some of the fun things we've done in the past, but there will be pies and delicious baked goods, crafts for kids, raffles and more for an enjoyable, safe Sunday afternoon. Please wear masks.
So much fun and all because we live in a great little town!!
For more info call 802-247-6401 or visit
Sponsored by: Brandon Area Chamber, Brandon rec Dept, Brandon Toy Project