This latest incarnation of Northern Harmony is Larry Gordon, plus veteran singers Willy and Clayton Clemetson, Liam Kantor, Sora Harris-Vincert and Thistle Swann. We invite you to one of our upcoming, afternoon, socially distanced concerts:
Saturday, October 3, 3:00 pm
Once again at the fabulous giant yard at 1973 Max Gray Road in East Calais. Max Gray Road is directly opposite Lightening Ridge Road off of Rte 14 between N. Montpelier and East Calais. Thehouse is at the top of the hill, a bright blue house with a huge adjacent barn. The concert will be in the yard on the right side of the barn.
Sunday, October 4, 3 pm
Craftsbury Common, On the Common
Monday, October 12 (Columbus Day), 3 pm
Montpelier, Hubbard Park Old Shelter
We have been Covid tested and quarantined here in Marshfield for the past week preparing this concert. The program includes traditional songs from Corsica, Bulgaria and South Africa, contemporary shape-note songs by Toby Tenebaum and Megan Henderson, gospel and protest songs, and renaissance works by Josquin des Pres and Gregor Aichinger.
Bring a blanket or lawn chair if you'd like something to sit on as chairs will not be provided.