Community Gardens and Gentrification in New York City

Past event
Sep 28, 2020, 6 to 7:30 PM

Community Gardens and Gentrification in New York City:
Appropriation and Resistance

Zoom *see below for details

Evergreen State College faculty member Prita Lal will speak about her chapter in the newly edited volume A Recipe for Gentrification: Food, Power, and Resistance in the City, which was based on her doctoral research that focused on the relationship between urban agriculture and gentrification in New York City. Lal's research complicates notions of gentrification as being more than simply the displacement of Black, Latinx and other historically marginalized communities, but about the appropriation of community-built resources such as the community gardens started by these long-time residents. Her talk will also explore the possibilities of Community Land Trusts as sites of resistance to gentrification.

Sponsored by CAPA and the Robert Frost Stone House Museum at Bennington College


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