Celebrate Brandon This Friday and Saturday

Past event
Sep 25, 12 AM to Sep 26, 2020

The Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to a Celebration event for Friday, Sept. 25 & Saturday, Sept. 26.

We have to start by thanking our corporate sponsors who have made this possible- DuBois & King; Camp Pre-Cast Concrete Products; Heritage Family Credit Union; National Bank of Middlebury; Freeguard Concrete; Bar Harbor Bank & Trust; New England Woodcraft.  Many thanks for your generosity and support throughout  this project.    This weekend come out and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Walk the length and breadth of our fair town and enjoy the sights and sounds of good living!

There's lots to see and do, eat and drink, walk and talk, stimulate the brain and pacify your hungers, tell your story and listen to many others, relax and excite, laugh and cry, stimulate your ear drums and titillate your taste buds, teach a little and learn a lot, see old friends and make some new!  As usual Brandon has a little of everything and we want you to enjoy it with fresh eyes and new folks to see how lucky we are. 

Events on Friday start at 9:00am and run through 8:30pm. Saturday you can be busy from 10:00am to 8:00pm. You'll find a little something for everyone. Check out the event schedule and plan your days so you don't miss anything. 

Shops will be open Saturday and some will be open till 8:00pm on Friday night offering raffles and bargains both inside and out on both days.    Check the schedule carefully so you can plan your day to shop, eat, drink, listen to interesting histories of the Brandon area, maybe see yourself in some of the old pictures, check out the museum if you haven't been there yet, pet a lamb, win a prize, hear great music and singing right on our streets and end your Saturday in the town hall watching Kevin Thornton's poignant movie Death In The Wilderness followed by discussion with Kevin.    Dine in and out at our delicious food locations and sip a cocktail or brew at our three in town breweries and distillery.    Visit the town hall for various tables set up with interesting folks from Opera to Composting. Bill Powers and Chuck Herman will be giving short historical talks and we're happy to host "Politicians In The Park" where we've corralled them between the Monument and our nice new Bandstand in Central Park.    Look for window displays of old photos and new and beautifully designed graphic work, in the old Brown's Gift Shop, Aubuchon's windows, the building right next to Kennedy Park, the Brandon Museum and inside the Methodist Church.

You can find schedules and maps at these location also.

Ongoing GIANT 50/50 raffle tickets (pot is up to $1400-drawing Nov 1st) and "Celebrate Brandon T-Shirts available in the town hall at the Chamber table, the Brandon Museum or Carr's Gifts. 

We want to bring folks from near and far to shop, walk, eat, drink & be merry, listen to music, and see what we all have accomplished...a beautiful, new, walkable, drivable, vibrant downtown. The goal is to stir up buzz this weekend and showcase our town so that folks will enjoy all that we have and come back again and again!  We've been planning this since August of 2019 and with the curves (and delays) sent our way from the pandemic we feel we've revamped it into a safe and fun way to show off our new downtown and let us all get out and have some fun and fellowship in a socially safe way.  Please know that the health and safety of our volunteers, attendees, and shop and event locales is paramount at all times.  We will be adhering to all of the governor's rules- Masks required, ample spacing between booths, limits on the number of people inside a venue at any time, and hand sanitizer stations provided by the Chamber.

Fireworks from the center of town, compliments of the Brandon Independence Day Celebration Committee, are scheduled for 8pm on Friday night- they will last about 20 minutes.            

Please be aware of your pets.  The fireworks are weather dependent- Both TOO wet and TOO dry may cause their cancellation.

The weather is looking like a warm sunny 75° so PLEASE come on out and reap the benefits of our long ordeal- we all deserve it!!       HAVE FUN!!

Thanks from the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Brandon Alliance, Town of Brandon, Brandon Independence Day Celebration Committee, Brandon Recreation Dept. and the Friends of the Town Hall.

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