Hello! My name is Rose Archer. As some of you may know, I have been speaking and facilitating workshops in the park these past few months. I am a relatively new member of Vergennes that is sadly departing. First, I would like to thank all the participants who come out old and new and have supported me through donations and even bought my first paintings! But as there is a large influx of college students and the incoming of flu season(and my unfortunate departure), I'd like to take care of our community members a bit more by GOING VIRTUAL!!
This Friday Voices in the Park will be hosted on Zoom from 4-5:30pm! We will be taking a trip into the grey area of :
I will be aided by my colleague Norma Stobbe, '20 Brandeis University. Not only will we be breaking down the terms, but we will be doing a few exercises to help give you the tools to be an ally and to deescalate. Be prepared to be comfortable with the uncomfortable! If you are interested in this please click this: