Multi Family Neighborhood-Wide Yard Sale

Past event
Sep 19, 2020, 9 AM to 4 PM

Neighborhood-wide Multi-family Yard Sale.
Corbett Road & Waughbrook Lane
off Pleasant Valley Road.

3 mountain bikes, skis, vintage wooden skis with leather straps, XC skis, billard sticks, tons of baby items: books, bumbo, bouncer seats, baby bath, toys, bassinet, chicco keyfit car seat with 2 bases, lot of cloth diapers, vintage rocking horse, vintage schoolhouse desk, coat racks, white wooden children's armoire, radio flyer all terrain wagon, maclaren stroller, snap n'go, VW Golf and 2006 Dodge Ram pick up truck, unitized spacemaker washer/dryer, small apt. electric stove, 30" electric stove, 30" electric stove hood....much
much more!

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