Come meet with Dan Noyes and Kate Donnally, candidates for the Vermont House of Representatives, between 11 to 1 this Sunday September 20th in Wolcott Village next to the post office. The November election seems far off, but will be here before you know it. Stop by talk to talk to us about your community, state government, and your vision for the future.
The pandemic has touched almost every aspect of our lives, including how we campaign for office. This campaign season we regret that we will not be knocking on your door to have one-on-one conversations on your doorstep. We do not feel its a safe scenario at this time given the current public health concerns.
Your input is still vitally important, so we will be holding weekly events throughout the fall where we welcome you to stop by in a safe and socially-distanced way. Please wear a mask.
Cant make it? Glad to connect over the phone or through email. Please visit or for our contact information.
Mar 6, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
Carnevale Fundraiser & Silent AuctionMar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM
Trapp Race to the Cabin, Sunday March 9Mar 9, 2025, 9 to 11 AM