Pulled Pork Drive-Thru Take-Out Dinner Fundraiser at Twin Valley Senior Center, Friday, October 9
Here is the Menu:
Sweet & Savory Pulled Pork on a homemade roll
Fall Vegetable Medley
Cool & Tangy Coleslaw
Maple Pumpkin Bar
This is a Drive-Thru Take-Out event.
Times to pick-up are from 5pm to 6:30p.
The cost is $15.00 per meal. Buy 4 meals for $50.00.
Please reserve your meal(s) by October 5. Call 223-3322 or email: twinvalleyseniors@myfairpoint.net
Pay at pick-up by cash (please have exact amount) or check.
This is a fundraiser to support Meals-on-Wheels provided by TVSC so your support and generosity will be greatly appreciated.
Stay tuned right here on FPF for more details.
And don't forget to mark your calendars - Friday, October 9.