Sat., 9/26 10 AM -2 PM - Pittsfield's Village Green
PCC - Pittsfield Community Connections - Maker Place
Please join us on our village green as we continue the tradition our Pittsfield Women's Alliance began years ago to celebrate community and connections. Sponsored by the Roger Clark Memorial Library Board of Trustees, this day promises to entertain as we invite artists, crafters and community.
2020 Featured Artist Exhibit - Patricia McDonough
Local Artists and Craftspeople
Create a Scarecrow to decorate the green
Library Silent Auction
Pittsfield Volunteer Fire & Rescue Silent Auction
Pittsfield Business Directory Table, Pittsfield Community Volunteer Table
We will be following the Farmers' Market Guidelines published by the state of Vermont. This means everyone wears masks, 12 ft between booths, a clear traffic flow, no food or drink consumed inside the event.
If you have any questions, please contact Betty Warner at or (802) 729-2772.