Saturday, September 19, 10-12 , join The Friends of the Hort Farm for a presentation by nursery owner Sarah Salatino via Zoom and in person at the Hort Farm under the tent (limit of 16 people). Sarah owns Full Circle Gardens and has supplied all of the plant material for this collection that's largely comprised of U.S. natives. Sarah will talk about what we're growing and why, recommend other favorite perennials for sun or shade, then give a virtual walking tour through the long borders. See how ornamental grasses like little bluestem, switchgrass, and prairie drop seed combine with asters and other late season stalwarts to support bees and other wildlife.
Members FREE / Non-members $10
This program will be held via Zoom and on site at the Hort Farm where it is limited to 16 people. Please register in advance at:
This talk is a program of the Friends of the Horticulture Farm (65 Green Mountain Dr., So. Burlington), a charitable organization dedicated to supporting the mission of UVM's Horticulture Research and Education Center in South Burlington.