Ecology and Forestry in the Andrews Community Forest

Past event
Sep 15, 2020

This evening at 7 p.m., join Ethan Tapper, Chittenden County Forester, and Andrea Shortsleeve, Wildlife Biologist for Vermont Fish and Wildlife, for a virtual presentation focusing on how an upcoming forest management project is expected to influence wildlife habitat and behavior in the 428-acre Andrews Community Forest, a public, conserved property owned by the Town of Richmond.

Andrea will discuss how the ACF t fits into the larger forested landscape, and how wildlife uses these conserved forest blocks to move through the state. She will cover habitats, unique features found on the property and how the proper management of those features can benefit wildlife --- from bumblebees and salamanders to black bear and wild turkeys.

Ethan will discuss the forest management project at the ACF starting this month. This project has the goals of increasing the health, diversity, and resilience of forests on the property and demonstrating responsible, ecological forest management. Ethan is particularly interested in how we can manage forests for greater complexity, and how active management can help Vermont's relatively young forests be more like old forest. Bring your wildlife, habitat management, and forestry questions, both general and specific to the ACF, for a Q & A session after the presentation.

The Andrews Community Forest has been owned and managed by the Town of Richmond since 2018. The Forest Management Plan for the property can be read here:

This event is co-sponsored by Vermont Coverts and the Richmond Free Library, and is one of a series designed to help the public engage and learn about this work in the midst of pandemic. You can learn more about these learning opportunities by emailing Ethan at, signing up for his mailing list, or staying tuned to the Andrews Community Forest playlist on the Chittenden County Forester YouTube Channel.

To register in advance for tonight's presentation, click here:

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