Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Due to closure of Hinesburg Town Hall
Zoom Meeting Log-in Information:
Meeting ID: 987 5722 3745
Computer/Smartphone Log-in:
Passcode: 413776
Dial in by Phone: 1-929-205-6099
Note: Long distance charges may apply depending on your phone plan.
Link to meeting on VCAM:
You can also view on Comcast Ch. 17 or Ch. 1084
1. Call to Order 6:30PM
2. Additions/Deletions/Public Comment 6:30PM
3. Consider a Motion to Enter Executive Session Under Provisions of 1 V.S.A.§ 313(a)(1)&(a)(3 6:35PM
4. Town Administrator Report 7:05PM
5. Selectboard Forum/Correspondence Received 7:15PM
6. Review Lease and Net Metering Agreements for Solar Projects 7:25PM
7. Considering Approving Capital Reserves as of 6/30/2020 7:40PM
8. Public Informational Session on Wastewater Upgrade November 2020 Bond Vote 8:00PM
9. Public Informational Session on November 2020 Ballot Question: 8:45PM
"Shall the Town of Hinesburg Establish and Manage an Ambulance Transport Service?"
10. Consider Approving Voting Delegate for VLCT 2020 Annual Meeting 9:30PM
11. Review FY22 Budget Planning Timeline & Selectboard Budget Priorities 9:35PM
12. Review FY22 Selectboard Adopt a Department List 9:50PM
13. Review Minutes from 9/09/2020 Meeting 9:55PM
14. Consider Approving Warrants 10:00PM
15. Adjourn 10:05PM
Questions or comments during the live broadcast? Email and those questions or comments may be read during the meeting. All times are approximate. For meeting materials, please visit:
Contact the Town Administrator if you have questions:; or 482-4206.
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