Pete's Posse Plays Dance Music for Your Living Room

Past event
Sep 12, 2020, 7:30 to 9 PM

Please join Vermont's own trad-roots power trio on Saturday, from 7:30 to 9:00 PM, in a special online concert. Pete Sutherland, Oliver Scanlon and Tristan Henderson bring a wide range of original instrumentals, a capella harmonies, ensemble virtuosity and great dance tunes to your screens in your homes. The concert is free! It's sponsored by the Contra Dance Umbrella, to celebrate and support the Capital City Grange, so there will be opportunities to donate to the Grange, during these stressful times when almost no events can happen at the Grange Hall. Until we can get back to dances at the Hall, dance in your living room to these great musicians.

The Zoom link will open at 7:15 PM on Saturday, so we can all get connected in time for the music to start. Just follow this link,, to tune in!

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