Monday, September 14, 2020, 7:00 PM
Via Zoom Remote Meeting (see below)
I. Call to Order: 7:00 PM
1. Review agenda for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. §312(d)(3)(A).
2. Overview of Zoom meeting operation and procedures: rules for participation, mute microphone, recognition by Chair, etc.
II. Public Forum.
III. Scheduled Appointments.
1. 7:00pm – Public Hearing - Proposed Bristol Unified Development Regulations.
2. 7:30pm – Public Hearing - Alleged Dog Ordinance violations: Travis Manning – potentially viscous, neglected, unregistered dogs running at large in Vincent Drive vicinity.
IV. Consent Agenda.
1. Recreation Department request for authorization to apply to RiseVT funds with Bristol Recreation Club for water bottle filling station.
2. Recreation Department request for authorization to apply to the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation for a 50/50 grant to repair the bell tower and related roof leak.
3. N.H. Munsill request for authorization to hold a coin drop October 11, 2020 in the area of 15 West Street.
V. Regular Business.
1. Fire Chief Brett LaRose and Firefighter candidate interviews: Adlai Ostrer, Timothy O'Toole, and Caleb Rockwood.
2. Consider Acorn's AES-3 Bristol landfill stormwater permit cost-sharing proposal.
3. Stoney Hill Pedestrian Scoping Study findings and recommendations: DuBois & King.
4. Consider request to address Maple Street traffic concerns: Chris Urban.
5. Bristol Water Commission: Consider Patrick Benner request for water bill abatement.
6. Consider proposed LE Environmental contract amendment (Work Order #10) for continued landfill monitoring.
7. Bristol FY2020 4th quarter budget review and FY2022 budget process discussion.
8. Coronavirus COVID-19 update: preparations, response, and impacts to municipal operations.
9. Paving and sidewalk projects update.
• Request for reimbursement from Daniel D'Avignon for lawn repair.
10. Approval of the August 24 and September 2, 2020 meeting minutes.
11. Authorize accounts payable warrant and any liquor licenses.
12. Selectboard roundtable.
13. Town Administrator's report.
VI. Other Business.
1. Correspondence, reports, correspondence received.
VII. Executive Session - tentative: contract negotiations per 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(A) and personnel matters per 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(3).
VIII. Adjourn.
Next regular Selectboard meetings:
• Monday, September 28, 2020
• Monday, October 12, 2020
REMOTE MEETING: This meeting will be conducted through the Zoom remote meeting on-line platform. See the connection information below. If you intend to join the Zoom meeting and have never used Zoom before, we recommend you begin the log-in process well in advance of the meeting to allow time for downloads and connections to occur.
PHYSICAL LOCATION: Holley Hall will NOT be open to the public.
CALL-IN: People without a computer or other device can call in from the number below and enter the meeting ID from the phone keypad.
Meeting ID: 851 6511 9934
Passcode: 573489
Phone in: 1 (646) 558-8656
Minutes of meetings and some digital agenda materials can be found at:
Videos of meetings can be found at:
Questions? Contact me at (802) 453-2410 or
--Valerie Capels
Town Administrator
Jan 16, 2025, 3 to 6 PM
Queerly Beloved LGBTQIA+ GroupJan 16, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Community Dinner Jan. 18Jan 18, 2025, 5 PM