Work Party, with pizza! Help out the Marshfield Rec. Field.

Past event
Apr 26, 2014, 10 AM to 4 PM

For anyone who has kiddos playing baseball this year. For anyone who plays on the rec. field. For anyone who has had kids play baseball, or who played baseball, themselves, as kids... or who just appreciates that our little village has a baseball field...

We need hands for a field work day! Sat., April 26 - 10:00am and on into the afternoon (the more hands, the quicker it’ll go). Bring a lunch, or share Pizza delivery – we’re buying!

Our field was devastated in the flooding a few years ago, and has not quite fully recovered. One dugout is falling over and full of mud and the field is still recovering, and needs some attention. We will be taking apart one dugout, salvaging some materials for a new dugout in the works. Also there is work to be done to the field, in preparation for new clay for the baseball diamond, and general raking and collecting rocks for a new baseball season ahead – as well as some fencing repairs.

Any help will be appreciated, for however long you have, with whatever skills. If you have demolition tools – hammer, pry bar, cordless sawzall, drill, etc… feel free to bring them. Bring the kids. The park and basketball court are visibly nearby, and there will be other kids having fun in the warmth of spring to play with.

Please rsvp if you can, so we have an idea of how many hands might be there – or just come join the work party on the fly. RSVP to Lincoln:, 426-2018 ---- In case of bad weather, we'll try for the next day... look for another post if both days are too wet.

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