Calais Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 7:00 pm
VIA: ZOOM (see details below)
1. Agenda revisions or additions
2. Approve June and July minutes
3. Conservation Fund balance
4. Fall Foliage Walk - Chapin Town Forest?
5. Ash tree on Haydon Road
6. Bliss Pond Town Forest walks and trail markers
7. Updates from June meeting - see June minutes
8. Review Resilient Roadsides Report - Tree committee?
9. Start on work plan
10. Other business
11. Public comment
(In order to be admitted to the meeting via your computer, you will need to sign in using your full name so we have a record of who was in attendance for our minutes.)
Meeting ID: 826 8546 1383
Passcode: 757800
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Meeting ID: 826 8546 1383
Passcode: 757800
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