We hope you'll join us at the meeting!
Wards 1 & 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA) Agenda
September 9, 2020 6:45-9:05 p.m.
Zoom online meeting
Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83884669194
Webinar ID: 838 8466 9194
Or Telephone: 1 929 205 6099
Or iPhone one-tap : +13126266799,,83884669194#
6:45 Sign on to Zoom online meeting Waiting Room (See below if you have problems)
7:00 Introductions and Announcements
7:05 Speak-out
7:20 City Councilors: Jack Hanson, Zoraya Hightower, Jane Stromberg
7:40 School Board Commissioners: Kathy Olwell, Aden Haji
7:55 Steering Committee Elections: There will be nominations from the floor.
8:05 COVID Update and Discussion: Wendy Koenig (UVM); Sandy Yusen, Kerry Sleeper (Champlain College); Mayor Miro Weinberger, Lt. Jason Lawson (BPD).
8:45 University Place Street Improvements: Phillip Peterson, DPW; DPW and UVM Staff are seeking input on conceptual designs.
9:05 Adjourn
If you have any difficulties accessing the meeting before, during or after, please feel free to contact Caryn Long at (802.734.3003) or carynlong@burlingtontelecom.net and she will walk you through the process, and troubleshoot any issues.
Want to watch the meeting but not be in direct attendance? Watch on Channel 17 YouTube. You will be able to watch the livestream, without logging into the Zoom. And, if you're unable to tune in during the Wednesday meeting you can access the recording there, too! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLljLFn4BZd2Pa3H8l30gy_gZ3NL6orXcN
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