Dark Moon Scry Journaling in Montpelier April 26

Past event
Apr 26, 2014

TAURUS 2014: Journaling with the moon phases, attend the group or by subscription or individual session.
DATE: April 26, 2014 2pm to 5pm
FEE: $25
INSTRUCTOR: Mary Anna Abuzahra
TAURUS 2014: Journaling with the moon phases, attend the group or by subscription or individual session.
Contact me pre-registration

The new moon in Taurus is a Solar Eclipse coming up April 29!
Bring more self-awareness to the eclipse!!!
create your personal plan for this eclipse!
Eclipses are always great opportunities for reflection. The energy around this eclipse, in Taurus, is about embodiment, grounding and manifestation.

This is the second eclipse in a series of 4 this year, with the next 2 in October.
To "scrive" means to describe...and to "scry" is to foretell the future by gazing into a reflective device. The moon is such a device and perhaps one of the first scrying tools of our ancestors in their search for guidance. The process of doing your scrying with the moon offers direct karmic information through intimate knowledge of your moon cycle at birth and revisiting this phase each month as well as the moon sign at birth.

During the dark phase of the moon cycle, just before the new moon, come and do some scriving and scrying...develop your intuition, connect with current energy and scrive your success and awareness for the upcoming lunation-this is a lunar astrology and intuitive/creative writing program. We also take the time to let go of significant issue from the past month.

All are welcome.
Attend once or every month, the moon is your guide.
FEE: subscription fee: $90 for 6 months/ $150 for 13 months
INSTRUCTOR: Mary Anna Abuzahra
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED:date, time and location of birth.
NOTE: You are encouraged to hold your space by prepaying if possible using convenient paypal button on website.

All adults are welcome to attend, teens may attend with guardian or verified permission from parent/guardian.

An intuitive, inspirational creative writing experience to create your own personalized guidance for the next moon cycle. Astrological knowledge is not necessary, you will be learning as you go, developing knowledge of astrology through observation of your own life.

We track the movement of the moon each month by marking the degrees of the phases in our individual natal charts, as well as other important planetary activity and transits. This process can inspire you to take advantage of opportunities, and create templates to formulate a plan of action. Personalized creative writing for each phase encourages deep awareness of patterns of opportunity for success, decisions, confidence development and connects with inner vision.

Each participant creates an action plan for each of the 8 moon phases that they can use and continue to develop. Each participant receives a natal chart, a lunar phase chart and a two page worksheet, as well as helpful handouts with correlating astrological information. The atmosphere is informal however participants are supportive, visionary and realistic.I encourage discussion in a confidential environment for personal and collective growth. This process is also a great way to learn astrology - based on your own self observations, experiences, impressions and self-awareness - you develop deeper understandings of the basics - rather than studying from books alone. The discussion, feedback and personal input from friends forms a living community of experiential knowledge. It is structured but only to provide you with guidance. The main inspiration and insight comes from the participant, not the forms.

Discount available if you sign up for continuous participation each month.

Online skype session, email subscription and hosting a group at your location are also available.

13 month Scrive & Scry Tarot Training also available

2014 dates (subject to change, please verify upon registering!)
2014 DATES for Scrive & Scry Moon Cycle Journaling:
April 26 - for Taurus cycle
May 24 - for Gemini cycle
June 21 - for Cancer cycle
July 19 - for Leo cycle
August 23 - for Virgo cycle
September 20- for Libra cycle
October 18 - for Scorpio cycle
November 22 - for Sagittarius cycle
December 20 - for Capricorn cycle

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