Greetings! I hold a permit in Vergennes City Park on the evening of September 12th and will host a Special Election Vergennes Alderman Candidates' Forum open to all candidates and to the public. I hope to find a moderator but as usual, I will do the work myself as necessary.
I invite all candidates present on the September 22nd Special Election ballot to attend, to come prepared, and to offer a five-minute personal introduction and mock City Council Agenda item. Depending on how many ballot candidates attend, I may also entertain the participation of a write-in candidate who attends with at least twenty-five supporters present in or around the park at 6 pm.
After the introductory phase, we'll move into a short public-school style "body break" so everyone can stretch, put down any notebooks or research materials for a moment, and grab some water. I have an irrational hatred of technology, but as my competence enables, it's possible I will use my permitted host's privilege to turn the body break into a Bachata dance break. Hopefully Monchy y Alexandra and their people won't sue me... Stay in your 6 foot bubble just as though you were jiving in a crowded club. Just saying it's possible. Moving on...
Finally we'll move to a question and answer period, where citizens or candidates can ask a question addressed to a specific candidate. We'll allow each candidate an additional two minutes of precedence to respond to a question, and each candidate will be allowed one response until all candidates have replied.
Depending on how many candidates participate, and how much of our ninety minutes these first two rounds require, I will ask the moderator to dive deeper into candidate responses about hot button issues such as style of policing in our community; availability and government's role in housing; the Vergennes budget; and the continually skyrocketing budget item for health insurance for municipal employees. I hope to keep a hard closing time out of respect for weekend and family and everyone's patience and physical comfort, etc.
As I am the host, I do ask all to rise as able to join in reciting a Pledge of Allegiance to our American flag (and to the people for which it stands, by the way) as well as possibly to stand for a rendition of our National Anthem. I also ask all to attend wearing appropriate medical masks, to bring his or her own hand sanitizer, and to maintain an actual 6-foot distance. Please allow the grass areas immediately near and behind the bandstand to serve as a candidate "holding" area. Please further keep all walkways clear and reserve the grass areas immediately in front of the bandstand to serve as a place for those who have difficulty with sight or sound. Please also WALK to the event if you are able in order that parking near City Center be reserved for those who cannot walk and for patrons of local restaurants and business. Thank you for your cooperation, citizenship, and participation.
It may be a bit awkward to have to cycle one candidate at a time through the steps of the bandstand, but I believe that an in-person event should still occur and is worth the trouble.