Zoning - Flood Hazard Overlay District Hearing

Past event
Apr 16, 2014

As you may know the Planning Commission (PC) has been working on the Flood Hazard Overlay District (FHOD) for quite a while. Our neighbors in the FHOD have been under a ridiculous level of Zoning regulations and the PC has been working hard to come up with the right balance of FHOD protection and deregulation.

There are some important Zoning changes that will be taking place regarding the FHOD.

The first is that on Wednesday, 16th @ 7PM, there is a formal hearing for the PC to introduce a couple of technical changes. Our current Zoning regulations do not comply with FEMA standards on a couple of minor technical issues. These changes will correct them. If these changes are not corrected by the time the new Flood Plain maps go into effect in August. No one in Richmond will be able to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program.

Immediately following the “formal” hearing, there will be a public meeting and discussion about the real work that the PC has been doing regarding the FHOD. There are some serious issues facing folks in the FHOD. We have taken some very innovative steps to simplify regulations in the FHOD that we would like to introduce to everyone Wednesday night.

I want to emphasize that all of these discussions apply only to the FHOD, however, we think it is very important that everyone understand, and hopefully support, what we are proposing.

Thanks for coming,

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