Candidate Forum

Past event
Sep 13, 2020, 10 AM to 2 PM

Hello, folks,
My name is Lew Graham and I am running for VT House of Representatives for Washington District 6-Calais, Plainfield and Marshfield.

I would like to get to know you all and am having my second candidate forum at the Onion River Campground on Route 2 just outside of Plainfield, Sunday, September 13th from 10:00am to 2:00pm. I will have another in Calais, date and time to follow.
I am most interested in explaining my positions in seeking more support for Vermont's veterans, (Vets for Vets), to control health care costs and improve access for all, as well as guaranteeing that Vermont is an affordable place to live for Vermonters of all generations. Please come and
let me know your interests, concerns and ideas to keep District 6 a great place to live.

To help meet your busy schedules and provide more information, other candidates for local or statewide office are invited to participate.

Please wear masks and follow the physical distance guidelines for COVID-19 safety required by the Health department. For compliance with those guidelines, you will need to give your contact information. No other use will be made of that information. Please bring your own chairs.

At the end of the event, I will have a drawing to give away a 3'x5' American flag with flag pole.

I look forward to meeting with you. Please vote for me on November 3rd.

Lew Graham

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