I am sharing this info in the hopes that other might attend this important online meeting.
Craftsbury Equity Team
The Craftsbury Selectboard has formed the core Craftsbury Equity Team (CET). The team's first step is to host dialog and facilitate a learning process within our community regarding equity. Craftsbury Schools will also be focused on equity this year. Other steps will follow this listening phase - please get involved as we take steps to listen to, and learn from, each other!
You are invited to join the conversation and help guide the process by answering these 2 questions on our online survey. Your comments will be confidential.
Questions? Contact any of us on the core Craftsbury Equity Team:
Cheryl Bailey (creemee@myfairpoint.net )
Rudy Chase (rudy.chase@yahoo.com)
Lily Dunbar (lilymd11@gmail.com)
Susan Houston, Selectboard 586-2873or (mapleleafllamas@yahoo.com)
Jim Jones, Selectboard 586-2292
Joe LaMare (jlamare78@gmail.com)
Linda Ramsdell (linda.ramsdell@gmail.com)
Bruce Urie, Selectboard 755-6713 or (bruceurie@gmail.com)
Mandy Woodley (807@gmail.com)
The core Craftsbury Equity Team met at the Town Hall at 7PM on August 26th as requested by the Selectboard at their August 18th meeting.
Core team present: Rudy Chase, Joe LaMare and Linda Ramsdell, Selectboard members Susan Houston and Jim Jones. Shawn Baraw, Iva Wright and Jay Wright were also present.
The team postponed any action, and set a meeting date of Wednesday, September 2nd at 7PM and the following agenda:
Review findings of the online survey, mailed postcards, and report to each other on conversations core members have had with people in Craftsbury.
Discuss what feedback to follow up on.
Compile names of people who are interested in serving on a future larger equity committee.
Town of Craftsbury is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: CET Meeting Time: Sep 2, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86969006960?pwd=MDJ4NWV2SnVPV2NGWnVWRHpJaVQxdz09
Meeting ID: 869 6900 6960
Passcode: 151491
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
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