Household Hazardous Waste Event

Past event
Sep 12, 2020, 9 AM to 1 PM

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENT: The Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance will hold a household hazardous waste event on Saturday, September 12, 2020 from 9 AM to 1 PM at the Dorset School, 130 School Lane, Dorset, VT for residents and small businesses of the Towns of Arlington, Bennington, Dorset, Glastenbury, Manchester, Pawlet, Pownal, Rupert, Sandgate, Searsburg, Shaftsbury, Stamford, Sunderland and Woodford. Visit for information on what will be accepted at the event.

BRING any substance with labels that say CAUSTIC, TOXIC, CORROSIVE, POISON, FLAMMABLE, DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, USE IN AN OPEN ENVIRONMENT. Examples include: antifreeze, turpentine, stains, varnishes, carburetor cleaner, creosote, drain cleaner, oven cleaner, paint strippers, thinners, solvents, fertilizers (weed and feed only - no compost of manure), gas treatments, gasoline, kerosene, engine degreaser, floor, metal, and furnisher polishes, latex and oil based paint, pool chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, mercury thermostats, fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries (single use/primary and rechargeable), driveway sealer, fire extinguishers, and one and twenty pound propane tanks.

DO NOT BRING used motor oil, auto or mower batteries, radioactive materials, smoke and CO2 detectors, sharps (e.g., needles), tires, explosives (ammunition/fireworks), furniture, bulky items, mattresses, scrap metal, appliances, electronic waste, products in garbage bags, trash, empty cans/containers, dried paint, shampoos, soaps, pharmaceuticals, ointments, dish soap, dishwasher soap, candles, rock salt, drywall compound, dried out latex paint, empty cans, and fertilizers without herbicides.

EVENT MANAGEMENT: Please place all items to be disposed in the trunk of your car or the back of your van or truck. Do not exit your vehicle. Please wear a mask for personal protection. Please leave your pets at home. Containers such as gas cans, will not be returned.

For questions, contact Michael S. Batcher at or 518-669-7146. No text messages please.

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