16 1/2" Delta Drill Press, Delta Router/Shaper, Reliant 6" Jointer, Craftsman Table Saw with 50" Vega Fence, Sharp Carousel Counter top Microwave, Stereo Equipment, Toro Snowblower (needs work), DVD players, Craftsman 21" self propelled lawnmower, Stained Glass grinder with many other stained glass tools, 17 panels of colored uncut stained glass, kids books, games, toys, household items, vintage clothing, Vermont Tubbs snowshoes, Bone china teacups/saucers, collection of cat mugs, Cushman furniture, Childs small rolltop desk, Car bike rack, Woodstock soapstone stove, 2 sets of Time/Life photography books, old croquet set, Vinyl records, Samsonite luggage and much more! Something for everyone!!