Talk About Our Democracy - Monday, Aug. 31

Past event
Aug 31, 2020, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Talk About Our Democracy
Susan Kunhardt • Lower Dover Rd, Marlboro
Event: Aug 31, 2020, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

The Politics of Debt and the Green New Deal - On Zoom
Nick Biddle PhD
Talk About Our Democracy- Marlboro
Monday August 31st, 6:30pm

Since 1980 one of the persistent myths in American politics is that Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility. Yet, in every Republican administration from Reagan forward, the deficit has ballooned while in every Democratic administration it has diminished. What is going on and what does it mean for the immediate future? From healthcare to student debt to environmental crisis, massive structural reform and repair are absolutely needed now. This presentation seeks to show that the tools to make a green new deal real depend upon pulling the curtain back on the politics of debt.
Nick Biddle is a retired professor of Latin American History, and a Brattleboro resident.

Note: The meeting will be recorded.
6:30 Woody opens the meeting, announcements, introductions.
6:40 Nick Biddle presents
7:40 Q&A

Organized by We Celebrate Democracy/Civil Rights For All- Positive nonviolent public action for democracy and civil rights for all people. Contact Woody: 802 464 3154

Woody Bernhard is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: The Politics of Debt and the Green New Deal
Time: Aug 31, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: Copy this URL into your search bar- to attend the meeting.

Meeting ID: 778 1712 2214
Passcode: XY8L2V

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