Experience the Essence of Vermont Inaugural Event
Benefit for Lamoille County Food Share
Sat 5 Sept 3pm - Sun 6 Sept 11am
Spatially Distanced - Using Covid Friendly Protocols - Only 50 tickets available -
Overlooking the Scenic Shore of Lake Elmore
3758 Elmore Pond Rd
Wolcott, VT 05680
Many Ticketing Options to Fit your Time/Budget
Purchase your Tickets Here: https://www.bewellintegrative.health/experiencetheessence
All Tickets are Tax Deductible
$145 each - deadline is the 5th Sept
Early Bird Special ONLY $115 - register by 31st Aug use the code: earlybird
Friends/Family $95 - use code: friendsandfamily
Holistic Health and Dinner on Saturday - $65
Holistic Health Saturday Only - $40
Holistic Health Sunday Only - $40
Holistic Health Saturday/Sunday - $65
Dinner and Music on Saturday - $65
Saturday Night Only $80
Ticket Prices are Tax Deductible
Purchase your tickets here : https://www.bewellintegrative.health/experiencetheessence
3-6pm Holistic Health from Be Well
- chair massage
- Reiki
- 4-5:30 Dharma Yoga Flow taught by Gianna Rose w/ Acoustic Music
5:30-7pm Localvore BBQ w/ Meat, Veg, Vegan options
Local Organic Juices/Elixirs and Raw/Vegan Bliss Balls from Be Well
Local Organic Liquor - Green Mountain Distillers
Local Beer - Ten Bends
Live Auction during Dinner - gift certificates, baskets, bundles of experiences from Moog's Joint, El Toro, Be Well, GitMom,
and more!
Highlighting Local Music!
- Opening Act - 7-8:30 The Heavy Nettles - Blue Grass done right in the North East
- Barn Side Music - 9-Midnight - Abby Sherman and the Way North!!! Feaeturing their Original Tunes and Lyrics! Wow - sultry & talented - come listen, move and groove with a spatially distanced dance
Overnight Camping - Glamping Ad-Ons available
Sun 7-11am - Continental Breakfast with vegan options, raw juice, VT Artisan Coffee/Tea and the scruptious North Country Cakes baked goods
9-10:30am - Blessing Way Yoga Hike w/ Gianna Rose and acoustic music
11am - Grounds Close