Wow, what a great community! The benefit yard sale at 83 W. Church Street has made over $700! With other donations coming in and the matching $250 from Earl Braddee and Mary Wheeler, we feel confident that we will be able to give the Library Expansion project over $1,000!
So, that being said, we are cancelling day 2, tomorrow, Saturday, 8/29 primarily because the weather is supposed to be cold, rainy and windy! We have sold all the "good" stuff" and are pretty ready to be done! But today was glorious and the weather was wonderful!
Thank you to everyone who came and bought items or just made donations. As always, it's great to see friends and folks we know and those we just met. We appreciate you so much and many, many thanks. I believe we are remembered not by what we have but by what we give. We have a beautiful public library and feel blessed to give to it.
Mary & Earl