Yard Sale
Saturday August 29th
1273 Fowler Road, Plainfield
9am to 12pm.
Cash only. WEAR a MASK.
Everything needs to go, so stuff is cheap!
- Huge free pile. Really big.
- One dollar, 5 dollar tables.
- Clothes are a dollar a bag. There are lots of clothes. Nice clothes.
- Rock climbing gear, tele bindings, tele boots, camping stuff, skins.
- trail running gear
- books, vinyl, DVDs,..cassettes? Yes.
- brown leather recliner $5, free wingback chair and red ottoman
- Womens size 7 and size 9 ice skates $10
- Mens size 10 hockey skates
- MSR backpacking stoves
And list goes on,.....
I'm pretty sure the Ruffed Grouse pillows will go fast. So if you want them, get here early.
Jan 15, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
Crafts & ConversationsJan 18, 2025, 9:30 AM to 12 PM
All Recovery MeetingJan 21, 2025, 10 to 11 AM