It's been an interesting year to run for office and even though Vermont is doing well compared to other states, it's still not quite safe for us all to be together. Instead, I would like to invite residents and business owners of North Hero to join me for a town hall on Zoom at 6:30 pm, September 3rd to discuss the issues that matter most to you. I will introduce myself and explain why I am running for office, but keep it brief, this is meant to be an opportunity for you to express the issues facing you and your town and how you feel your legislators should be addressing them. Details for online and call in options are below. Feel free to email with any questions or concerns if you can't make it. Future town halls will be held for Isle La Motte, Alburgh, Grand Isle, and West Milton.
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Meeting ID: 958 2417 1700
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Meeting ID: 958 2417 1700
Mar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 7 PM
St. Albans City Belonging, Equity & Inclusion CommitteeMar 4, 2025, 6 PM
Introduction to Empowerment Self-Defense (ESD)Mar 5, 2025, 6 to 8:30 PM