The Morristown Conservation Commission (MCC) invites all Lamoille County citizens to join them in the opening celebration of a newly established trail system in the Morristown Town Forest. This unique 350 acre tract of forest, has been owned by the town since 1958, and has received low to moderate recreational use over the years, The MCC recognized the historical significance and beauty of the land and has developed a trail system to allow easy access and travel thru a good portion of the town owned forest. Highlights like old farmstead cellar holes, stone fences, abandoned apple orchards are highlighted on the map and in the forest.
Join us at the Beaver Meadow Road Parking lot at 10:00 AM on Saturday August 22 to be part of the celebration. (Follow Mud City Loop from Cole Hill Rd to access Beaver Meadow Rd, as Mud City Loop is under construction at this time and is closed to through traffic from Walton Rd.) Easy and longer hikes will leave from the newly built trailhead after a short discussion on the history of the land. Guided tours will be offered on a first come first serve basis, focusing on an introduction to the forest, Mud Brook- a scenic tributary of Kenfield Brook, and cathedral spruce plantations. Bring your usual hiking gear, boots, walking stick and your own water. Self-guided nature scavenger hunts will also be available for younger nature lovers and their families. Scavenger hunt printouts can be found folded in the trail map boxes at both the Beaver Meadow and Bryan Pond entrances. Masks and social distancing are required per state guidelines. No food or drink will be available so bring your own.