Going on Safari - Jungle Beat Outdoor Music Class

Past event
Aug 20, 10 AM to 10:45 PM, Aug 22, 2020

Back by popular demand, Join Miss Andrea of Musical Munchkins for our Jungle Beat class Going on Safari Outdoor class in Waterbury, VT- 37 Commercial Drive, Waterbury/Moretown-
Thurs- Aug 20th or Saturda- Aug 22nd, 10:00-10:45 am between the two oak trees across from GMPA.

Bring a blanket for safe social distance musical fun- Songs, dancing, instruments, puppets, props, and lots of fun! revolving around adventures in the jungle. You will receive a large gathering drum, instruments, and props to use during our music class. ( $15.00 for the entire family- - 1-6 yrs (younger and older siblings welcome (which includes a private link to our free virtual jungle beat class uploaded to youtube when you register)
Limited to 10 families per class- go to https://app.mainstreetsites.com/dmn2372/vlt158541.htm to register ,

Also registering now for fall outdoor classes in September- 4 weeks in Waterbury and Middlesex
www.musicalmunchkins.net, Andrea Soberman- teacher/director

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