The next WCUUSD Meeting is tomorrow night. Coupled with the regularly scheduled Board meeting is a community forum set to start at 5:00 pm. to discuss the planned reopening of schools in the District.
Washington Central Unified Union School District
WCUUSD exists to nurture and inspire in all students the passion, creativity and power to contribute to their local and global communities. 1130 Gallison Hill Road Montpelier, VT 05602 Bryan Olkowski Phone (802) 229-0553 Superintendent Fax (802) 229-2761 Washington Central Unified Union School District School Reopening Community Forum and Board Meeting Agenda 8.19.20 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM
90 minutes
4 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
1. Community Forum – School Reopening
2. Call to Order
3. Welcome 3.1. Reception of Guests 3.2. Agenda Revisions 3.3. Student Reports 4. Board Operations (Discussion/Action) 4.1. Board Retreat 4.2. Board Calendar Draft – pg. 2 5. Reports (Discussion/Action) 5.1. Superintendent 5.1.1. School Reopening Update – pg. 3 5.1.2. School Calendar – pg. 4 10 minutes 6. Consent Agenda (Action) 6.1. Approve Minutes 7.30.2020 and 8.5.2020 – pg. 8 6.2. Approve Board Orders 7. Personnel (Action) 10 minutes 7.1. Approve New Teachers, Resignations, Retirements, Leave of Absence and Changes in FTE - pg.24 8. Public Comments 20 minutes 9. Executive Session for a Student Matters 15 minutes
10. Future Agenda Items
11. Adjourn
Virtual Meeting Information: Meeting ID: 934 3739 5494 Password: 415432 Dial by Your Location: 1- 929- 205- 6099
Open Meeting Law temporary changes as of 3/30/20: Boards are not required to designate a physical meeting location. Board members and staff are not required to be present at a designated meeting location. Our building will not be open for meetings. All are welcome to attend virtually.
Berlin East Montpelier Calais
Middlesex Worcester
U- 32
Feb 15, 2025, 2 to 3:30 PM
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