Taking a Gap Year? Check Out CCV!

Past event
Aug 26, 2020, 4:30 PM

Are you thinking about taking a gap year coming up?

Have you heard about the McClure Grad Gift for fall 2020 high school graduates? https://www.vermontcf.org/McClureFoundation/GetToKnowUs/2020GradGift.aspx

Have you started wondering what online CCV course you might be able to take this fall that could transfer to your next school?

It's not too late to sign up for online fall classes at CCV. If you are a 2020 High School Graduate deferring or debating about college plans due to COVID-19, this info session might be for you.

I'm Darcy, an academic advisor at the Bennington branch of CCV. I usually work on Main Street right across the street from Oldcastle Theater and next to Citizen's Bank. Right now my plants miss me--I'm working from home and zooming. I will be opening my Zoom Room for an open information session to talk about using CCV during your gap year, should you be deciding to take one during this remarkably strange time to be alive and making new plans.

WHEN: AUGUST 26 (Wednesday) at 4:30pm

WHERE: Zoom in from wherever you are (Click the link https://vsc.zoom.us/j/92657409621?pwd=YkcwUklzeGZaSmsycDQraWVBMFdEZz09) Passcode 857364

QUESTIONS: Email me at Darcy.Oakes@ccv.edu with questions about CCV, the McClure gift, or anything else to do with starting college this fall.

I hope to see you there!

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