A Call to Honor Suffragists
Wednesday, August 26, 2020, between 11 and noon, join the Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance (VSCA) in commemorating the historic passage of the 19th Amendment.In the final push for suffrage, women, picketed in front of the White House six days a week, holding banners and using silence as protest. These Silent Sentinels, numbering approximately 2,000 over two and a half years, faced arrest, derision, torture, and jail. Silent no more, we urge Vermonters to gather in public spaces in their towns — in front of the post office, town hall, library— urging passers-by to reflect on the importance of the vote for all citizens.
Carry non-partisan handmade signs, sing suffrage songs, wear a 1920s hat or Votes for Women sash, engage in dialog about the importance of voting…all the while observing protocols of social distancing and face coverings. For peaceful gatherings of ten people or less, a permit is not required. Suffragists, a century ago, wore white, purple, and yellow, and a yellow rose.
Please email info@vsca2020.org of your interest to get a group together in your town!
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