Materials for Aug.19 DRB Meeting

Past event
Aug 19, 2020, 7 to 9 PM


The materials for the next meeting of the DRB have been compiled and are now available as PDF files here:

The agenda includes review of the following items:

APPLICATION SUB11-02R1 – Application by O'Leary-Burke Civil Associates on behalf of Shenk Enterprises, LLC for Sketch Plan approval for a 2-lot subdivision, one lot associated with existing commercial use and second for planned residential use. Property at 2659 Shelburne Road is located in the Mixed Use and Residential Districts and the Stormwater Overlay District.

APPLICATION SUB19-05 – Application by Lamoureux & Dickinson on behalf of Sterling Land Co., LLC for Preliminary Plan and Site Plan Review for an 18-lot residential subdivision. Property at 428 Webster Road is located in the Residential District and the Stormwater Overlay District.

APPLICATION SUB20-03 – Request by Anne and David Elston for a pre-application conference for a proposed 2-lot subdivision. Property at 161 Dorset Hill Lane is located in the Rural District and a portion in the Stormwater Overlay District.

The meeting will be conducted using the Zoom platform. To join the meeting use the following link:
(Meeting ID: 874 3942 1395 Password: W6BFzm)

To participate in the meeting by telephone:
Dial 929 205 6099
(Meeting ID: 874 3942 1395 Password: 977418 )

Feel free to reach out to Dana Hanley ( with any questions or comments.

Thank you.

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