Fundraising Snack Sale for Leah

Past event
Aug 18, 2020, 3 to 6 PM

Hello, Northfield Community!

Our children, Paul (10), Timmy (8), and Grace (6), are inviting you to a great opportunity to support a brave girl, Leah (6 yrs old), who is fighting against AML leukemia and her family. Leah is currently getting treatments at UVM, but she will need more treatments at Boston's Children Hospital after the end of August. Our family has been blessed by your abundant love and support three years ago when Grace was going through her brain tumor treatments in Boston. Now, we are excited to be able to share the love to Leah and her family. Please come to join us in helping and blessing Leah and her family!!!

Snack Sale for Leah
8/18(Tu) 3:00-6:00pm
Northfield Common at the Farmer's market
Menu: Combo (hotdog, chips, & lemonade): $10, Fresh Fruit Cup:$5, Other healthy snacks: $3
***Face coverings and social distancing are required at the event.****

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