Where: Zoom Meeting, Register for the event here. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/115732648467
Join us as we continue the Green Drinks tour of projects and towns throughout the Upper Valley. This month we will explore what's going on in Vershire, VT with a discussion about Vershare. VerShare is a grass-roots community service organization incorporated in 1998. Vershare builds community spirit and involvement, to foster economic development, and to contribute to projects that benefit the residents of Vershire, Vermont.
Green Drinks are informal social gatherings for sharing "Green" ideas, resources, and action items. They are a great way for us to stay connected, even if just virtually via Zoom, during a time when we are all staying home.
Grab a snack and a drink and join us, on Zoom, to ask questions and learn from the successes of other communities like Vershire. Green Drinks are free and open to all!