Book Barn Sale

Past event
Aug 6, 2020, 4 to 6 PM

After you've had your fill of the Farmer's Market, drop in to the Red Barn adjacent to Mills Riverside Park and shop for books this Thursday from 4-6. Bring a grocery bag and fill it up with books for $5 only.

We have children's books, a bunch of young adults books, as well as cook books, history, biographies, loads of fiction and more!

Here are the rules:
--you need to wear a mask
--there will be a sign-in sheet out front for contact tracing
--we will not be making change for cash, so please bring exact change
--bring your own bag(s)!

Have no fear--volunteers will be available to help guide you through and will ensure we maintain proper capacity.

Look forward to seeing you all on Thursday!

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