Public Meeting Notice
Route 116/Shelburne Falls Road/CVU Road Intersection
DATE: Saturday, 8/1/20
PROJECT LOCATION: The intersection of Vermont Route 116, Shelburne Falls Road and CVU Road in the town of Hinesburg.
The Vermont Agency of Transportation invites you to attend a
Remote Public Information Meeting
Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 6:30 PM
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom. The meeting link is below.
The meeting will be open at approximately 6:20 PM on 8/11, and will begin at 6:30 PM.
You will be able to login to the meeting after 6:30 as well. The meeting host will admit you to the meeting at any time while the meeting is in progress.
The purpose of this meeting is to present the public with information on a culvert replacement and associated full road closure on Shelburne Falls Rd. in Hinesburg, VT. The purpose of this project is to remove and replace the existing culvert with a concrete reinforced box culvert.
The closure period is being finalized for late August/early September. The 60-hour closure period will begin on a Friday at 6:00 PM and the road will reopen by 6:00 AM on Monday.
Discussion of the scope of work necessitating the closure will be addressed. This meeting will provide information on the construction schedule, detour route, and sources of information during construction. VTrans staff and the contractor will be present to address any questions or concerns in regard to the work being performed for this project.
Topic: Hinesburg/Route 116 Intersection Public Meeting
Time: Aug 11, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 825 4083 6618
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The signed detour will utilize Shelburne Falls Road, Pond Road, and VT Route 116
Questions? Please see contact info below:
Name - Natalie Boyle
Phone - 802-855-3893
Email -
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