Protest Against Nuclear Weapons

Past event
Aug 6, 2020, 6 to 7:30 PM

Please join the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and Bread and Puppet Theatre at 6 PM on August 6th in front of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Burlington (top of Church Street) for the 75th Anniversary Commemoration of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We'll march down Church Street to the lakefront.

Why is this is an important year and an important time to STOP Nuclear Weapons? The Senate and House have approved the largest military budget of all times, the maximum allowed by law. "Usable" nuclear weapons are being developed. We have a Space Force to wage war in the galaxy. We must remember the Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many Hibakusha have made it their life work to try and end nuclear weapons!

The US has had 100 nuclear accidents. It is only luck that we are still here at all. Since 1950, there have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents, known as "Broken Arrows." A Broken Arrow is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons that result in the accidental launching, firing, detonating, theft, or loss of the weapon. To date, six nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered. In the U.S., at least 56 nuclear reactor accidents have occurred. The most serious of these U.S. accidents was the Three Mile Island accident in 1979. These accidents are just in the US! We need to get the ICAN treaty ratified and soon!

It is only luck that has saved people and the planet so far. Bring your anti-F35 signs, your anti-nuclear signs, your anti-militarism signs, etc. Here is a link to our event page:

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